True Bug (Hemiptera)
Age: Cretaceous
Formation: Amber Deposits
Location: Myanmar (Burma)
Size: Amber piece is about 0.8 inches long
Price: $69.00
This is a very unusual insect in amber. It is a fine True Bug from Myanmar (Burma). Amber from this area is Cretaceous in age, meaning it is from the time of the dinosaurs! This type is very uncommon and hard to find in nice condition. The cool bug has great detail intact - the entire insect is very well preserved. The head, legs, eyes, and antennae are all beautifully displayed. The large bug is easily seen trapped within the substantial amber nugget. This is a very distinct amber fossil in Burmite.(Large close-up photo is included for free.)
A Certificate of Authenticity from EXTINCTIONS is included with this specimen.